There are a few ways to fool the firewall.
1. Go for the data transfer method known as tunneling. By tunneling the download data through an allowed fileserver you could fool the system in thinking that you are downloading some good data (say Anti-Virus updates). In order to do this you will need to know some network programming (Which I am yet to learn).
2. Another way would be to use a PROXY software. The best free PROXY softwares that work in the Cyberoam network are
a. Vidalia (Tor) : This used to work wonderfully but I’m not sure wheather this still works. I think its worth a try. You can find it at
b. Ultrasurf : This one is an awesome Proxy. It can easily bypass the Cyberoam firewall but the connection needs to be good otherwise it keeps disconnecting. Always look for an updated edition at the site
3. Another cool way to fool the system is to use a VPN software like HAMACHI. Find someone who would be willing to share a network connection with you, then connect through Hamachi and use the Net uninterrupted. You could even setup a server at you own home and connect to your own computer. The colleges and institutes require VPN services so they NEVER block VPN ports.
4. There is one more way. You could befriend a staff/teacher/anyone with a less blocked account in the network, get their login info, and use it.
For me though, the Ultrasurf way works the best. Try it.